Latitude: 63°35'W
Longitude: 44°38'N
Population: 940,397
Population Density:
Landforms: appalachian high lands, drumlins, appalachian region
Climate: Ocean moderates the temperature. average rainfall in June is 97mm average temp is 14°.
Ecozone: Atlantic Maritime Ecozone
Closest National Park: Kejimkujik National Park
Industries: fishing, forestry, agriculture.
We have arrived in Halifax! Finally. The first thing we did was find a hotel to check into, which happened to be the “ Marriott Harbourfront hotel”. We put our stuff in the room and went off to explore and see what there was to do We went to pier 21 first, I thought it was a pier with some shops on it and stuff but instead I found out that it is an immigration museum. There were pictures and stories about people who helped build our nation. It was like a history lesson, only less boring (; We spent a long time in the museum looking around and learning things about Halifax’s history. Oh and we were there to see the 78th Highland Regiment fire of the cannon. After we saw the museum we went to the 5fishermen restaurant. We all had seafood of some sort, I ate the Nova Scotia lobster.
After we ate we all went to visit the Titanic Victims Cemetery. It was really sad, there were so many people who died, and some still haven’t been found. Then we went back to the hotel to sleep.
Day 2
On our second day in Halifax after we got up and ate, we went hiking in Abrahams Lake Trail, it was beautiful there. Hiking is always a lot of fun. After hiking we went to the Shubenacadie Tidal Bore Rafting Park to go rafting. That was amazing, it was so much fun, definitely made up for the hours in the car squished between Keegan and Jo. The water wasn’t even as cold as I thought it would be, or maybe it was I was just having to much fun to notice. The last thing we did today before going back to the hotel to sleep was going on a boat to go whale watching. That was also very exciting, I even got a picture of one!
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